March 1, 2022
Younger Children and Early Elementary
Day 7
READ: Son of laughter: God’s special promise to Abraham from Genesis 12-21, p. 56-61.
ACTIVITY: For the younger set – Turn the lights out in the house and shine a flashlight through a colander or play with glow in the dark stars. God promised Abraham and Sarah a big family, as big as all the stars in the sky. How would you like to be a part of that family?
For the older ones – Go outside in the dark and try to count the stars. See how far you get before you mess up the count and have to start over. Why do you think Abraham and Sarah laughed at God’s promise? Mom and Dad, share something God has done for you that makes you laugh.
ORNAMENT IDEAS: Make stars to hang on the tree, use glow in the dark stars, or hang something that reminds you of laughter, picture of people laughing, etc.
This ornament reminds us of God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah.
Older Elementary
Day 7
READ: p.44-59, “God Calls Abram”, A Lot Is Too Much”, “Insufficient Sons”, “A Lot Is Not Enough”, & “Too Many Sons”,
ACTIVITY: Go outside in the dark and try to count the stars. See how far you get before you mess up the count and have to start over. Why do you think Abraham and Sarah laughed at God’s promise? Why do you think God waited so long to give them a son?
ORNAMENT: Make stars or use glow in the dark stars. This ornament reminds us of God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah.
Scripture Reading: Genesis 12-21