Veteran's Ministry

What is Veteran's Ministry?
The Veteran's Group, recognizes, honors, and supports local veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces and those currently serving.
Activities include: clothing drives, Valentines for Vets, visits to the VA Hospital, Veteran's Day Dinners, and Memorial Day flag display in the Memorial Garden.
Resources for Veterans
Team Red, White, and Blue - Where Veterans Belong
Vets are wired differently. Thankfully Team RWB is full of people wired just like you. Develop relationships, improve health, and connect with veterans in your community.
VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System
VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System provides health care services to veterans in southern Michigan and northern portions of Ohio.
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 310
VVA310 is a non-profit organization consisting of veterans who served in the military during the Vietnam War. It is committed to serving the needs of all veterans.
Associates of Vietnam Veterans Chapter 310
AVVA is a national, non-profit membership organization dedicated to advancing the full range of issues affecting Vietnam veterans, their families, and their communities.
A local Congressionally Chartered non-profit where veterans serve veterans and the local community.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 423
Our mission is to foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans.
Disabled American Veterans Chapter 13
"Keeping Our Promise to America's Veterans."​
The Veteran's Group would love to have a few more veterans involved in our projects. Our group meets quarterly in rooms 205/206 at 6:00 p.m.. Please consider joining and participating in our group.